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 Recently, a popular trend among schools has been to develop a mobile app for the school that would enhance the ability of school administrators to communicate with the schools population.  In order to stay with the times, your school needs a mobile app so that the entire schools population is up to date on communication.



An easy to use grade calculator that determines what the users grade will be based on varied user entered point values, possible points, and weights for different grade categories.

The home screen of the app is a beautifully designed view of recent announcements from the school.  This allows users to instantly be connected to what you want them to see and to what the latest news is with the school.  



When important news breaks, by using push notifications you will be able to instantly alert users.  This allows you to ensure that the students, staff, and parents are hearing your message at the exact time when you need them to.  



Throughout the app there are various links to both the schools website and to social media accounts connected to the school.  This prompts users to visit the places on the web where you want them to go.  This will let them learn more about your school and what the school offers.


An easy to use and update photo gallery allows users to not only read school news, but to see it and experience it themselves.  The photos are easy to upload and the management of the gallery could not be easier


Throughout the app are ways for users to contact the school.  These include a one click call button to the school office, a map and directions to the school office, a one click email button to an address connected with the school, and the ability to comment on posts and announcements.


A one click easy access share button that gives the user access to share via text, email, facebook, twitter, and more.  A picture of the app icon along with a school message and a link to download the app is automatically loaded to share when each link is clicked.


Assignment Planner

An easy to use assignment planner that allows users to input their homework and have it saved for them to view later.  Then once they are done with the assignment they can simply delete that assignment and later add a new one. 



7802 Aberdeen Rd.

Bethesda, MD 20814


T: 301-908-4735


© 2015 by Fisher Apps. 

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